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DSC_5393Hi there,

Since finishing for the Christmas break I’ve had a bit more time on my hands so I decided to indulge in my favourite pastime which is making bread. This time I opted to make an orange and chocolate brioche after the success of the savoury version last week. Once again I raided my favourite bread book and as usual the results were awesome as Paul Hollywood recipes never let me down.


Texture of dough after first prove.

You do need both time and patience with this guy though as I started making the dough at 3pm on Christmas Eve and I didn’t tuck into it until just after 8am on Christmas Day. This was because the dough needed to chill overnight before being shaped and proved for another two hours. Then after 25 minutes in the oven it was ready.DSC_5379  DSC_5380DSC_5381


Shaped and ready to go in the oven after second prove.



The difficult part… waiting for it to cool down.


Chunks of dark chocolate, orange zest, orange juice and blood orange chocolate make this a tasty treat.

However, it was definitely worth the wait as this is the perfect accompaniment with a good cup of breakfast coffee.This bread tastes much better fresh so you need to eat it within a couple of days as it does go stale pretty quickly.


With this for breakfast you need nothing else for the rest of the day!


Seattle’s finest breakfast – French Toast

To overcome this problem I decided to make some French Toast with the remaining slices, something which both my husband and I developed a taste for in Seattle.

French Toast with blueberries.

French Toast with blueberries and cinnamon sugar

French Toast is surprisingly filling and this version goes perfectly with some blueberries, strawberries and vanilla cream and of course the big chunks of chocolate all adds to the taste.


It definitely tastes better than it looks!

If you would like me to add any of the above recipes, please let me know and I’ll be happy to update the post with the details.

Suz x